5 Top Tips To Help Prevent Slips On Outdoor Stairs

5 Top Tips To Help Prevent Slips On Outdoor Stairs

If you’ve got stairs that haven’t been maintained properly or show significant wear, this can pose a significant safety hazard for your employees and visitors. Every business owner who has stairs at their establishment must maintain and perform seasonal checks on their stair’s structure to make sure that people are safe every season.

Today, we will look at some great ways you can prevent slips and trips on your property, especially during winter months or times when there are more environmental hazards like low light, rain, or ice.


If you need an anti-slip solution for your stairs, you should consider installing GripStrips. Every step should be safe to step on, especially when it’s raining or snowing. GripStrips come in three different sizes to suit virtually any outdoor stairway. They are also long-lasting, so you don’t have to worry about changing them out every season.


Stairways in poorly lit areas are more prone to trips and falls. You should make sure to install proper lighting so people can clearly see where the stair edge is. The entranceways leading to the steps should also be well lit. Your guests will need to be able to see when they are approaching the steps so they can avoid an accident.


Be sure to make the edge of each step extra visible so guests can see where to put their feet on each step. It’s possible to highlight the edge of every step with a contrasting, highly visible color like yellow or white.


It’s important that you properly maintain your steps and stairways on a regular basis to keep them in good shape as they age. You should keep these areas clean and tidy while clearing off any debris so you can avoid accidents. You shouldn’t have any worn down steps, as these can cause trips.

Every year thousands of slips and trips occur on stairways that are highly preventable with the proper measures. These slips and falls can occur anywhere, in public spaces, at work, or on private property. These slips and trips can be preventable, and they can result in pretty serious injuries.

Businesses certainly shouldn’t take any risks with their underfoot safety, as they will be liable for anything happening on their property. You should take the precautions found above to prevent slips and trips as much as possible, especially during the design process if you can.